Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wild Wednesday

"The desire for enlightenment must be transformed into enlightenment." Koji

We have some thunderstorms coming in tonight. That means freaked out kitties in my bed. I don't know why Merlin and Pixie think that I can control the weather. As far as I know that isn't in my contract but then I haven't read the kitty contract very closely. They may have snuck all sorts of things in there.

I have the stomach scope tomorrow so I'll be off of work for one day. I got everything caught up at work today but I know come Friday it will be back logged again. My partner got back from her Mexico cruise today and she looks rested. She brought me back a real pretty blue stone pendant that I need to find a chain for.

I have been trying to get caught up on everything at home as well as at work. I have been paying ahead on the bills so I don't have to deal with them for a while. I'm hoping I don't have to be off of work for too long.

I have really been enjoying the Doctor Who videos that I bought and am looking forward to getting the next season when it comes out. I already have it preordered for shipment the beginning of November. Hey if you are going to be stuck at home with nothing good on TV you might as well watch something you enjoy. Speaking of which Heroes is getting interesting. They should be bringing together some of the storylines starting next week. Of course week after next I'll be in the hospital but hopefully the hospital TV will have NBC so I can watch it.

The new computer continues to work okay for now. I don't know what its problem was earlier in the week. Just temperamental I guess. I finished this picture the other night. It is called At the Pond.

The real counter is 6244.

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