Friday, October 19, 2007


I'm not sure why they give you an amnesia drug before surgery but it sure is a weird experience. Sometimes I think maybe it would be helpful in life if we had that available. They warned us about the effect. I remember being wheeled into surgery, the spray they put in my throat to numb it (think banana flavored habanera, truly yuck), them putting this hard plastic thing in my mouth so they could get the probe down my stomach, them leaning over and putting something in the IV, eating toast in the recovery room, and waking up in my own bed late in the afternoon. Weird!

I had been telling the doctor's for years there was something wrong with the left side of my stomach and all they have done is throw acid reflux medicine down it. The probe showed several large, deep, ugly red lesions that the Doctor says weren't cancerous but if not treated they could go into cancer. Great one more thing to be concerned about.

I spent yesterday evening watching Doctor Who videos. After finding out the results I was naturally upset. I wonder why Doctors don't listen to their patients? What part of "I'm having a lot of pain here on the left side of my stomach" don't they understand? To add to the frustration I got to work this morning to find out they hadn't done the adjustments from yesterday leaving them for me to do today. Grrrrr!!!!!

This weekend I'm just going to totally relax. The picture is called Autumn Leaves.

The real counter is 6253.

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