Saturday, October 13, 2007

So-So Saturday

"I love friends. I want more friends. I love smiles. That is a fact. How to develop smiles? There are a variety of smiles. Some smiles are sarcastic. Some smiles are artificial - diplomatic smiles. These smiles do not produce satisfaction, but rather fear or suspicion. But a genuine smile gives us hope, freshness." Dalai Lama

One of my favorite smiles is David Tennant's smile. He is the current actor playing Doctor Who and he has a grin that lights up the screen. I received my Season Two package the other day which is where he takes over the character and I was watching it last night. I have Season Three on pre-order and it will be released on November 6. I can hardly wait. I will at least have something fun to watch while I recuperate from the surgery.

My new computer is being a real pain and we aren't quite sure what is going on but it may be the power supply. All I know is that it has suddenly managed to turn itself off from active mode and I have to keep restarting it. My brother thinks it may be the power supply. Sigh.

Fortunately I have everything backed up on good old Marvin who has been my work horse computer for years now. I can do my calendar on it and all of the art work I've done on the new computer is on here as well. Sometimes it pays to go with your gut instincts and do as I did and keep both computers up and running. Originally we thought of just retiring this computer but something told me not to. It is a good thing because it looks like I'll have to do some major work to get the other one up and running properly.

My picture for June on the calendar is going to be one of my favorites Magic Garden.

The real counter is 6221.

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