Sunday, October 7, 2007

Sunday Sillies

Pixie has what Mom calls the Sunday Sillies. She is racing around like crazy and turning flips in the air and generally behaving like a loon. It is a fun way to start the day.

Okay geek time. The Doctor Who season finale was very interesting. Great acting jobs all around. That being said I do wish Russell Davies would stop writing scenes with the Doctor in tears. Come on now. Yes David Tennant is a brilliant actor and does the anguish and tears very well but I am tired of the soggy Doctor. He started off the season in tears after Rose left, went all soggy on us in "Family of Blood" because he wanted to stay human and with the human he had fallen in love with, and ends the season in tears because he is alone again. Enough already. David Tennant has too great of a grin to have him all soggy.

I went ahead and ordered Season Two of Doctor Who that starts with David Tennant taking over the role. I thought about getting Season One but decided I just didn't like Christopher Eccelstone well enough to pay that kind of money. When Season Three comes out next month I'll get it, soggy Doctor and all. ;-)

Stargate Atlantis was another good episode. I'm glad to see Shepherd acting like a real leader for a change. Losing Weir to the Replicators does leave it open for her to come back in future storylines. I always found her to be rather an boring character and think Samantha Carter is a better choice to head Atlantis. Now if they could just ship the highly irritating McKay off somewhere I would be happy.

I had an idea for a picture the other day and am really pleased with how it came out. I have always loved the Tiffany style glass lamps and have a beautiful one in storage with red roses. I decided to do a picture of a garden and use all glass textures. Fifteen hours rendering time on the new machine and a million and a half pixels later I came up with this picture. I am calling it Tiffany Garden.

The real counter is 6191.

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