Thursday, October 4, 2007

Rough Day

It was a rough day today. They did an ultrasound yesterday and my Doctor got the results today. They weren't good. There are a large amount of fibroid tumors in the uterus and there is a massive one on the right side which has been causing all the pain. The upshot is that they will have to do a complete hysterectomy on November 12th. In addition they have a scope scheduled October 18th for the esophagus and stomach to check out the large hiatal hernia. To say I'm upset is an understatement.

The good thing today was the reaction of the hospital's chaplain who is one of the nicest people in the world. He gave me a big hug and told me to keep him informed as he would be there when I had the surgery. That means my Mom will have someone with her which will be nice. That hug meant a lot to me and made me feel better. So I'll have Chaplain Steve's prayers as well as a Franciscan Priest friend of my Mom's saying a Mass for me on the day of the surgery.

In the meantime I'll just keep popping those pain pills. I'll blame any of the weird posts on those. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  ;-)

The picture for April on my calendar will be Waterfall.

The real counter is 6180.

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