Monday, May 8, 2006


Did you ever look up at the sky and look for figures in the clouds? I know that sometimes I will still look at a cloud and see a picture of something else.

Dreams are like clouds. You can look at a dream and it can resemble what your heart desires. Dreams can be blown away like wind can blow a cloud away. Dreams are ethereal.

I have had a lot of dreams in my life. Some have come true, others are still waiting their turn. I don't know if I will accomplish all of the dreams I have but I certainly intend on making as many come true as I can.

I think for a dream to come true that it has be based on something that won't harm another. I would never wish evil on someone. To wish evil is something that damages the person behind the wish. It would be easy to say that I wish my ex would suffer for the way he treated me but that would accomplish nothing. It would only place me on his level and I don't wish to be there.

I do dream that I'll eventually be able to make a living at my artwork and maybe my writing because I love doing them so much. That is a dream that would not harm anyone else. I think God smiles on dreams that are made in the purity of our hearts.

The picture is called "Daydreaming."


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