Friday, July 7, 2006

Glad It Is Friday

"Though one defeats a million men in battle, one who overcomes the self alone is in fact the highest victor." Buddha

"A man who has a beautiful soul always has some beautiful things to say, but a man who says beautiful things does not necessarily have a beautiful soul." Confucius

I really love my Oriental Wisdom calendar. It often has quotes that are just what I need on bad days. I am more then a little irritated right now. I have been at my current job for almost two years without a review and raise however people who have come after me have gotten their raises and back pay. I am overworked and underpaid. I am trying real hard to overcome the temper that is threatening to flare up at work. I have never felt so overwhelmed as I do in this job. My little department gets dumped on constantly. We are supposed to be on the phone trying to make payment arrangements but the paperwork is non stop and everyone dumps all the problems on our desks.

I am glad today is Friday and I have two days off to recuperate from the insanity of work. I'm going to work on some new artwork and maybe work on the stories. One of the two days we will spend going to see my 90 year old Aunt. She is such a joy to be around because she is truly one of the most beautiful souls on this planet. Her house is always crowded with family and love. She is one of my favorite people in the world.

I'm tempted to sneak this fellow into the office and set him to work on the stack of paperwork that has been dumped on my desk. He is "Guardian of the Fire."


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