Monday, July 31, 2006

Heat and Sleep

The lack of posts this last week or so is a direct result of an infection that will not leave me alone. It started the weekend before when I awoke with a sore throat and slept most of the weekend. I dragged myself to work all week but by Friday my voice was totally gone and I had to leave early and again slept all this weekend. I've got a bit of a voice this morning but no telling whether it will last. Our temperatures are hitting close to 100 with our humidity right up there. The heat on top of the fever has produced some very weird dreams.

I spent a little time on the web yesterday and saw a lead story on AOL on a minister who lost 1,000 members because he wouldn't tie his church to the Conservative Republican cause preferring to keep church and state separate. What struck me about the article is the hysteria of the press about the members who left and ignoring the 4,000 who stayed and the new members who joined.

It reminds me of a sociology professor I had in college who told us that statistics can be skewered any way you want to prove or disprove anything you want. That is so true. It is the same about the hysteria regarding abuse in the Catholic Church where the vast majority of priests are NOT abusers but the press focuses on the minority who are.

When I was in high school I was on the school's champion debate team. We had to be able to argue both sides of the question in the meets. It taught me to look at both sides of a situation and that things are not just black and white. You need to see the whole picture before you can really decide where you as a person are in a given situation. I don't believe in blind obedience. My choices are made because I choose my position. No one chooses for me.

The picture is called "Meeting Number One" and is based on the classic show "The Prisoner." It reminds me of the famous saying "we have met the enemy and they are ourselves."


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