Monday, August 28, 2006

Enforced Relaxation

After getting steadily worse my Mom got me into the doctor today. He confirmed what I had suspected that when I had the acid reflux attack that some of the acid had gotten inhaled into my lungs when I was chocking. That started the massive lung infection. He was shaking his head in that "not good" manner as he was listening to my chest. So I have another round of antibiotics to try and knock the infection off with and another round of steroids. What I hadn't anticipated was being ordered off of work until September 4th or the 5th in my case since the office is closed on Labor Day. 

I suppose I can use the enforced rest to plan out the calendar for next year and the Christmas card design. I have an idea for the picture but it hasn't come together yet on the screen.

The picture is from my Prisoner series and is called "Relaxing." It is something I have a lot of ahead of me.


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