Saturday, August 19, 2006


I saw my doctor yesterday and had a burden lifted from my shoulders. I had him explain all the blood tests scores and the things that had me concerned were the results of the massive infection I was fighting. The most reassuring words were that I am not in a prediabetic state. He explained the scores and that the standards had been lowered to show more people in that state but that it isn't a reliable indicator unless the fasting tests are done. I just feel so relieved. It has given me the impetus though to make some changes in my diet to make sure that I am eating healthier. I have a tendency to go for junk food more often then I should.

So far the peace I felt when I saw the butterfly the other day has continued to hold. Our chaplain at the hospital brought me in a wooden candle holder with a white candle and two butterfly ornaments on it. It was such a wonderfully sweet gesture on his part. He had come into the emergency room when I was struck down with that horrible flu and prayed with my mother and me. He is one of the nicest people I have ever met and he is definitely one of those quiet people who make the world a better place to be.

The weather is going to be on the soggy side this weekend but we still plan on seeing my Aunt. She is another of those people who makes the world a better place to be. My brother will be doing the driving. The one downside of the doctor's visit is finding out that I am still facing at least five to six weeks before the effects of this health battle subside and I see my strength return to full. I plan to write and do art while I'm waiting to get back to full strength.

Last night was a evening of laughter for me. The Stargate SG1 200th episode was everything a geek like me could ask for and the special proceeding it was also a hoot. It is the first time in quite awhile that had me laughing out loud for extended periods of time. I discovered that another lady at work is also a huge sci-fi fan and knowing she was laughing along with me from her home made it even more fun. I can't wait until Monday to talk to her about it.

The picture is called “Lost World” and is one of my Stargate pictures. Thanks for the laughter last night. I really needed it.


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