Friday, August 25, 2006

Poor Baby

Poor little Pluto just because he is the runt of the litter it doesn't mean he can't still be a planet. I guess scientists decided that they needed to redefine what a planet is and Pluto got demoted to a dwarf planet status. I'd hate to be the one to have to tell him and his little moon Charon about the demotion. And speaking about planets what about that 10th one they were talking about? Haven't seen hide nor hair of that one lately either.

It isn't easy being on the short side. You get snarky songs like Randy Newman's Short People. Stores love to put the stuff you need most on the top shelf where you can't reach it. My local Wal-Mart had the 6 petite jeans where no one who could fit into them could reach them. Of course where I live there isn't really much of a demand for petite sizes. Mongo tents are common out here.You would think in farm country that the hard work would keep the weight down but it is just the opposite. I have never seen so many morbidly obese people as there are out here. Even at the hospital where I work the people who should know better have extreme weight problems.

The picture is Pluto and Charon from my Solar System series.


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