Saturday, August 26, 2006

Thoughts From A Pounding Head

"Your mind by nature is very soft, but when you have troubles, your mind gets strong." Dalai Lama

My doctor while trying to find some relief for the arthritis may have accidentally triggered another lung infection. The medicine he was giving me caused a massive acid reflux reaction that woke me at 1 a.m. The next day I awoke to a massive infection in my lungs and I think some of the overflow from the acid caused something to go crazy in the lungs and now up into the sinuses. Needless to say the main focus of the day had been sleep.

I spoke to Mom this evening and we now have homes for momma cat and all four of the kittens. Next weekend when I hopefully feel better I'm going to see if we can catch the whole bunch and get them situated in new homes before any of the wild animals can harm any of them. We will be keeping the black one with the white spot on it's chest and the smoky gray one. In theory the gray one is mine and the black one my brothers but in all actuality Mom will share with both and I'll end up with all three cats in bed with me. May be time to start thinking about getting a bigger bed.

I’ve started work on my Christmas picture for this year and need to get started designing the calendar. I found a source on line that I’m threatening my local Staples with if they don’t get the calendar kits in this year then I will shop elsewhere.

The picture is called “Catmosphere” and will probably have to be updated in a couple weeks the show the newcomers.


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