Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Weird World

If you don't believe we are living in a strange world all you need to do is read the news. There has been more then enough weirdness in the last couple of days. Mel Gibson's public meltdown and rant against the Jews couldn't have come at a worse time. The murder in Seattle, simply because someone was mad at Israel, shows how volatile things are for our Jewish brethren. I would hope that this would be a wake up call for Mr. Gibson to admit once and for all he is an alcoholic and he mustn’t touch alcohol again. Ever. Not even one drink. He is the only person who can help himself. His wife and children and friends are all helpless to make him stop drinking. Only he can do so. Once he gets himself sobered up he needs to find out where this animosity towards Jews comes from and remove it from his life. Jesus was a Jew and anti-Semitism has no place in a true Christian life.

Another story that had me shaking my head was rock star Alice Cooper planning to form a Christian camp for kids. Alice Cooper? He of the goth make-up etc.? Yes that Alice. He says that his rock persona is an act and the real proof of his life is in his behavior. A husband and father for 30 years without cheating. He gives his money for scholarships to young people who follow good Christian standards. It is how you live your life that counts. God cares what is in your soul not what is on your body.

The third story that gave me a chuckle this morning is from Michael Moore. Mr. Moore is saying that he has gone from fearing he would never work again because of his remarks at the Oscars to having conservative Republicans giving him hugs. If conservative Republicans and a liberal gadfly can hug and be civil then the rest of us can be civil to each other too.

As with many people my prayers go out to those involved in the Middle East conflict. I pray that there will be a solution that will allow everyone to live in peace and dignity. We need a solution that stops terrorism and allows Israel to live as a country without fear.

The picture is called "Chaos."


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