Tuesday, August 29, 2006


I awoke in time to take my medicine and decided to surf through the web as is my won't when I have time on my hands. I came across a short article about how actor Martin Sheen is going back to school in Ireland for the next semester. Now that he isn't on the West Wing he has decided to go back and finish his education and since his mother was from Ireland he is going there to study. I think that is fantastic!

I have always continued my studies even after I finished college with a B.A. degree. There is so much to learn about so many things. My two big areas of interest are Astronomy and Health.

Astronomy has been a big love since I was a child. I am fascinated by all aspects of what is out there from the string theory, to black holes, to the birth and death of stars, to how did it all begin to how will it all end or will it end? Some of these areas also go into the areas of philosophy and theology. I have one of those minds that demands that science prove to me that what they are saying is true. I want to know how it works. I love the complexity of science and I'm not satisfied with easy answers. Science should start with a theory and then test that theory vigorously to see if it holds up. You don't start with a conclusion and then try and find something that backs your conclusion. That is not science.

I am interested in health since I've worked in that field for eight years now. I am also interested in what needs to be done to help the health problems I have. My main focus of study has been nutrition. What types of foods are good for us and what do we need to eat to keep healthy? Is there a way of taking some of the food we grew up on and make it healthier? The answer to that last one is a definite yes and the cookbook I am working on is the result of those studies and experimentation. You can eat healthy without sacrificing taste. You can find those recipes here: http://members.aol.com/michelesrecipes/recipes.htm

The picture is called "Guardian of Knowledge."


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