Saturday, August 12, 2006

Kick Back and Relax

I have been just kicking back and relaxing tonight. I did a bit of shopping earlier for myself and my mother. This evening I played around with my art program and have been listening to music. The extreme lethargy has not left and I really don't have the energy to do too much. I'm almost half way into the mega antibiotics and steroids that the doctor is throwing at what ails me. I'll be glad when they start to work. I need to feel better by next weekend because my mother wants us to visit her sister. I always enjoy going there because she is such a sweet person that she automatically makes you feel better just being near her.

Have you noticed that some people stick in your mind because they have an inner glow of joy that surrounds them and reaches out to others? They are people that may never be big stars in life and featured on the cover of People magazine but their impact on individual lives is greater then that of any super star. They reach out from the beauty of their souls to others and touch them in a way that makes them better for having known them.

If I have one hope for in this life of mine I hope that I may in some way help touch others for the better the way some have touched me. I would like to know that I have left this world a little better then when I came into it. I don't look for major changes but if I can in some small way help another person to make their life better then I will feel that I have done the job that God put me here on Earth for.

The picture is called "Out for a Drive."


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