Friday, December 23, 2005

Getting There

I got the last two gifts wrapped last night. At the last moment I decided to get another gift for mother. She had wanted a new nightgown and sheets so I decided to get her a really pretty set with pink roses on them and a pink nightgown with roses to go with them. Mom likes practical gifts. I also have a couple of other gifts for her including an Agatha Christie book from the cat that he paid for with my debit card.

I am picking my brother Eric up at the airport tonight. Gives me a reason to get "Revenge of the Sith" out. Geek time. The tree still isn't up but with Eric coming he can help Mike get it down and I can have it up tomorrow. I want some pictures of Mom and two of her sons by a tree this year. This is the first year since before Dad died that Mom agreed to have the tree up.

I got a kitty stocking for Merlin although he probably only deserves a lump of coal. He has gotten extremely spoiled since we moved here a year ago. I swear if Mom had spoiled us the way she does my cat we would have ended up as juvenile delinquents. ;-)

I want this Christmas to be special for Mom since I really don't know how many more Christmases she has left. She is down sick with another sinus infection. She has been sick so often this year. I really worry about her since she is so skinny and frail and insists on working full time. I'm hoping to convince her to quit her job or at least go part time.

I've learned to take each day one at a time and try to make each day as happy for her as I can. Merlin keeps her amused so I can put up with his being so spoiled by her. The most important thing is for her to know each and every day that she is loved.

The picture is called "The Star and the Moon."

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