Monday, December 12, 2005

Thoughts on Snow

Have I mentioned it has been snowing and icing up here? Seven inches in one day and temperatures below freezing? Another big storm coming on Wednesday?

Normally I love winter however the thought of two to three weeks in an air cast and on crutches in this garbage until the inflammation in the left ankle goes down and I can walk without fireworks of pain is not my idea of fun! Fortunately it isn't broken however that little slip that I thought didn't do much damage since I didn't hit the ground apparently did enough damage to the ankle so that it looks like I have no ankle bone, just a white and red swollen mass where it use to be.

Merlin is playing nurse. Of course at the moment that happens to be giving lessons in how to take a nap. He does get up with me if I have to use the bathroom just to make sure I can get there and back okay. Considering that if he stands on his back paws he can wrap his front around my waist he could probably give me support if he had to. ;-)

The picture is called "Chariots of Fire" and that is how the ankle feels.

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