Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Don't you sometimes wish instead of making resolutions for yourself you could make them for others? There are some people I would dearly love to make resolutions for.

For the two people on my newsgroup, you are both in the wrong so shut up already and leave the rest of us in peace. I am really tired of the fighting and sniping. Let the grudge go life is too short. For the trolls that plague the group go away and stay away.

For my soon to be ex sister-in-law stop listening to your wacko roommate and settle the divorce for heaven's sake. You are the one who wanted it. Oh and while you are at it stop hurting my Mom. Would it have killed you to send the woman a Christmas card? She remembered you and she has done so much for you over the years.

For my oldest brother get your head out of the clouds. I need help with mother and shove the ego and try and realize that when I say something about Mom it is because I have checked with her and know what she wants. Sisters are capable of being right too.

For our Government hey guys the law is supposed to be upheld by you also. It is not all right to secretly tap into citizens without going through the courts to get a wiretap order. And oh yes how come it is shameful to let the people know the government is secretly tapping them but it is all right for you to blow a woman's cover and endanger her and her family? Ethics should be required by all government officials.

I would make some resolutions for Merlin but a cat doesn't care now does he?

The picture is called Castles Made of Sand which pretty much sums up what chance these resolutions have of being kept.

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