Sunday, December 18, 2005

Tis the Season

Time magazine has named Bill and Melinda Gates and Bono as their "Persons of the Year." I think that it is a brilliant choice. You frequently hear the saying "money can't buy happiness" but it can buy something more important. It can buy a better life or even a chance to have a life for someone who wouldn't have a chance if someone with money didn't give them the chance by using that money to help others.

This is the time of year that you see the Salvation Army with their bells and buckets collecting donations. It is the time of year that all charities have their big push to urge everyone to remember those who are less fortunate then themselves. It is the season of giving.

As important as it is to remember those less fortunate then ourselves during this Christmas Season it also brings to mind why just now? Charities push now because it is the Christmas Season but the need for help is all year round. This has been a year of disasters and many people still need our help. Not all of us have the type of money and prestige that Bill, Melinda, and Bono have but we can still do our parts. This is the time of year that warm clothes and food are needed and our local Goodwill or Food Kitchen can always use an extra hand.

Tis the Season to think of others. That is the true meaning of Christmas. Thanks Time for honoring three people that try to do their part in making this a better world.


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