Monday, October 30, 2006

Not That Kind of Mouse

Pixie is on my desk, on my keyboard and trying to catch the "mouse" cursor which is a hold over from Windows 95. Smart as she is I probably should let her have her own blog.

A little black cat seems like the perfect accessory for Halloween. I was reading the other day about a Humane Society that has put a ban on adoptions of black cats until after Halloween in order to keep them safe from people who would otherwise abuse them this time of year. Whether this is an urban myth or not the fact that it is still a concern underlines a very serious problem.

I have mentioned that Pixie is a little furry bundle of love and knowing that their are people out there who would want to harm her is really sad. Some people feel they have the right to prey on the weak, the helpless, and those having problems have more problems laid on them by bullies. The bullies are the ones who will kick you when you are down. Some people act like they have the right to dish out "punishment" to those whom they feel have somehow violated whatever personal code they "claim" to follow. Those who in fact believe they have the right to play god. The infantile "you don't like my friend so I am going after you" syndrome. The sanctimonious fools who bleat about following the high road while beating their breasts about how they are not like those other sinners.

In reality such people are crawling in the gutter. There is nothing noble or high road about their actions. They are no better then those whom they criticize for lack of morals. They have become what they criticize. They can not see their own faults because they are too busy chastising others.

I know that I am not perfect and that I have made mistakes in my life. I will apologize if I have wronged someone. I can not stand by and watch cruelty being done. It is not in my nature. Jesus told us to take care of the weak and helpless. He told us to love one another. I do try and follow his teachings.

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