Monday, April 10, 2006


The Guardian series is coming out great! This one is "Guardian of Knowledge."

I have always been one of those brainy people who enjoyed school for the learning. I was never into sports and the whole rah-rah experience. The only club I was a member of was the speech club. I had a great time in the inter-school debates. To this day I can remember our topic: resolved the federal government should institute a program of compulsory arbitration in labor management disputes in basic industries. Wow what a mouthful!

I was reading an article the other day where American children are losing in the ability to keep up with other children scholastically. I find that a very sad thing. I know teachers who have quit because they can't teach. They have to spend all of their time being policemen. I've known teachers who have quit because special interest groups want to force pseudo science on them and take away their ability to teach real science. Creationism and Intelligent Design belong in theology classes not science. I bugs me that people try to limit God's creative ability to a document that was written for people who had no science and had to be instructed in the ways that they could understand.

The world and universe is a very fascinating place and we need to explore and discover the wonders that await us. We are getting beautiful color pictures of Mars coming in now. It is exciting to see actual pictures of another world.

God gave us brains and expects us to use them for something other then keeping our ears apart. I am constantly learning new things. I want to continue to explore the world around me. I want to know how things work. I want to know about new discoveries in medicine. I want to read writers exploring the way we live now and speculating about how we will live in the future. Knowledge. What a great word. The ability to think is a God given gift. We owe it to ourselves and him/her to continue to learn and explore and use this gift to its fullest.


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