Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday, Monday

The key to an easy relationship with other people is not to impose your ego, nor crush the ego of others.” Swami Prajnanpad

“Benefit first goes to the practitioner of kindness.” Dalai Lama

After many, many hours of work the website is starting to come up and together. I still have a few links not working the way they should but I am finally seeing light at the end of the tunnel. With a little luck the
Art by Michele Wilson should be finished by the end of the week.

I am home from work again today and will be seeing the specialist at 2 o’clock today. I am hoping he can find out what is wrong and fix it! I am tired of being in constant pain. I am finding myself getting very depressed because of all the pain and what happened at work on Thursday. Even though my boss told me she is not firing me and she wants me well and back to doing the superb job I was doing before I became ill I am still finding myself worried. I am hoping that this doctor is as good as people say he is and he will find a cure.

I am enjoying the high speed Internet. I am still trying to get the wireless up and working on the other computer. In the meantime I am going to have to break down and purchase a printer for this computer. I need to be able to print things off while I am struggling to get the other computer to recognize the wireless.

The picture is called Lady in Red.

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