Wednesday, December 6, 2006


"He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition burns a picture to obtain the ashes." Chinese Proverb

I really like that thought for the day from my Oriental Wisdom Calendar. You only need to look around to see how true that proverb is. How often ambition gets out of control and the person decides that what they want must be obtained at all costs regardless of who gets hurt in the process.

The first people that spring to mind are politicians who will sacrifice all principles to be elected. This year's mud slinging campaigns are proof of that. I abhor dirty politics. In an ideal world it would be persuasive arguments of how a candidate's programs would work to better this world that would be the deciding factor.

In the work place you see the back stabbing and gossip used as a tool to advance one's career. I found that in my old job to be especially true. She didn't care about the patients and nurses who loved me because I did my job so well and with such compassion. This lady wanted me out because I was the one who was loved not her. So she got the company to believe her lies and harmed patients whose lived depend on getting their supplies properly.

You see this ambition on the boards where someone wants to be the big cheese and will use bullying tactics to drive off anyone who challenges them in their perception of being number one. It doesn't matter if the person they target is on topic and discussing in an intelligent manner the topic of the board or not. Their idea of being the big man is how many people can they drive off the board.

Egos can be such destructive forces in this world.

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