Thursday, December 7, 2006


Outer space has gotten a lot of press these last couple of weeks. First we had Stephen Hawking urging mankind to spread out and colonize other planets. We then have NASA planning on putting a permanent base on our moon. Now we have the news that water may still be flowing on Mars. Cool!

Ever since I discovered science fiction as a child I have always been fascinated by men going into space. I want to know what is up there in our sky. I am one of those people who believe we are not alone in this universe and that there are other beings out there. Hopefully they have gotten beyond the stage where they are always in danger of blowing themselves up.

One of the things science fiction talks about is superior beings who are waiting to contact us until we demonstrate that we are mature enough as a species that we won't bring our destructive ways with us. It makes sense to me. I certainly wouldn't want as my neighbor someone who builds bombs and rattles sabers.

If mankind would learn that they are one race, human, and learn to get along with each other we could take that vast amount of money we spend on war and channel it into making sure that everyone on this planet has a decent standard of living. Once we learn to take care of each other we can reach out to the universe and explore.

The picture is called Celestial Dance.


Anonymous said...

Of course water is still flowing on Mars.  How else is Marvin going to keep his garden growing?

Anonymous said...

He is using it to keep the trees around the area where he has appropriated all the Martian probes that have disappeared over the years so we can't see them. ;-)