Monday, December 11, 2006

Get Real

One of my brother's called me a liberal's liberal in his blog which pretty much sums up my politics I guess. I am a passionate environmentalist. I care about this planet of ours and what we are doing to it with our pollution and disregard for science that proves there are problems. My frustrations were emphasized this weekend when another one of my brothers was bragging that a friend of his found a great use for Al Gore's book on global warming as it makes great kindling for a fire.

I am sick of this "oh a Democrat said this so it has to be wrong" mentality. Come on people get real! How about reading what top scientists say about the subject. Try here for an example.

It is time that people stopped playing "party line" and started doing actual research into the subject and use their brains for a change. The brain has another function besides keeping your ears apart. Science is not the enemy. Get your ultraconservative heads out of the sand and start listening to what is being said about this planet. It is not a political question it is a question of survival on this planet of ours.

It is time that people of all political persuasions get together and look at a very real problem with this planet and see what can be done to improve Earth's health. We need to clean up the pollution of our air, water and earth. We only have this one fragile little planet to live on and we need to make sure that we take care of it.

The picture is called "Celestial Dance 2". I decided to rework and older picture.


Anonymous said...

Which brother was that?

Anonymous said...

Mr. GI Joe in Concord. Old ancient one knows better then to try and discuss politics around me.