Sunday, December 10, 2006


They have been playing Christmas music at work the past week and one of the CDs they play has Vince Gill's Let There Be Peace On Earth where he sings the song and then his young daughter sings it. I love that particular song because it is how I try and live my life.

The last few weeks I've been feeling kinda down. While I love being Irish it does have a mood drawback in what is referred to as "black Irish moods" in other words a kind of depression. I have been looking over my life and trying to figure out where I've been and what I have accomplished in my life. I have been feeling pretty low and have felt like maybe I haven't done much with my life.

Last I had the strangest dream. In the dream were several vignettes where I was a participant but in every one I was the person who pointed people towards where to get the help they needed. I started the help process by listening to their problems and helping them get to where they needed to go to get done what needed to be done to get them what was needed to make their lives better and worth living. At the end of the dream I was rewarded with someone to be there for me and be my companion through this life. I awoke with such a feeling of peace.

Looking back at what has disturbed me the last few weeks I realize that the decisions that I have made have been correct according to my beliefs. While I enjoyed my newsgroup it was right to leave. I left making it clear that I did not approve of the behavior of three people in the group. It is not right to set yourself up as holier then God and then post constant viscous messages towards someone because you do not think he has the right to his New Age beliefs. This person posted a self righteous email to me quoting the Bible and going on how evil this person was and failed to see the mote in his own eye. He just assumed that this person was evil without knowing him based on what he assumed about his beliefs. As my Dad said there is a reason the word ass is in assumed because people who assume make asses out of themselves. The other two people are bullies who make up for their own inadequacies by bullying people on the net to make themselves look big. See the word assume you two. One of them is a bigot as well,definitely anti-Irish and most likely the person behind the homophobic posts as well. All three have in common hatred at their cores.

If anything my pondering about my life the last few weeks was underscored by last night's dream. I have always felt I was on this earth to help others. I may not have the riches of a Bill Gates but I give what money I can to help others. Most of all I try and help people in my jobs. My last job I helped people get their dialysis supplies so that they literally could continue to live. In this job I take every chance I get to help people who have no insurance and no money to pay for it get the medical help they need. I have put my personal life on hold to help my mother through her remaining years.

I have no doubt at all that God is there with me helping me through my life. He knows I am not perfect but I try. He forgives me when I err and helps me to do better. Most of all he gives me the comfort I need when I'm in a black Irish mood and lets me know that s/he notices what I have tried to do and that s/he has plans for me. I know I am not alone and s/he let me know last night I will not be alone in this world as well.

So God I want you to know I will keep trying to help others in any way I can. My solemn vow is that if I am ever in a position where I have the money to do so I will use it to help others. At this time of year It's a Wonderful Life is being shown and the ringing of bells symbolizes that another angel has earned its wings. My dream is to found the "Angels Wings Foundation" dedicated to being a place where people can volunteer and help others and not just throw money at a charity. I want a place where people can help make a difference in other people's lives.

Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth
The peace that was meant to be.
With God as our father
Brothers all are we.
Let me walk with my brother
In perfect harmony.

Let peace begin with me
Let this be the moment now.
With every step I take
Let this be my solemn vow.
To take each moment
And live each moment
With peace eternally.
Let there be peace on earth,
And let it begin with me.

The picture is called A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes.

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