Thursday, December 21, 2006


Well I guess we are making progress. Mother had the doctor write her a note restricting her to working 6 days in a 2 week pay period. It is better then full time but I really wanted her to quit. She is worried however about the cost of her medicines which keep going up and up and can cost over $300.00 each month and this is after both her insurances pay. I tried to find another insurance for her but no one wants to touch her because of her age and health. It infuriates me that the people who need health care the most can't get it. I deal with so many people who can't afford health insurance and those who have it are finding that the insurance companies are paying for less and less and sticking their insurees with more and more of the bills. Any way I guess three days a week is better then nothing and hopefully by this summer I can talk her into retiring completely. It is a matter of convincing her to use the money in her retirement fund and in the savings for herself rather then worrying about leaving the money to her children. We would rather have her around longer then get an inheritance. Unfortunately she worries so much about her children and grandchildren and not enough about herself. Sigh.

The Christmas cards are finally done and the last of the presents wrapped. We won't be seeing my Aunt until after the holidays so I have time to do her calendar. I'll probably go ahead and print it tonight and get it wrapped just so that it is finished. I may go ahead and order some more calendar kits and see if I can sell some of the calendars this year. This year's calendar came out really nice. I think it is the best one I have ever done.

I've been frustrated in trying to find an Oriental Wisdom Calendar for next year. No one seems to carry it and I can't pull it up on line. The publisher of last year's calendar doesn't even have it. I decided to go ahead and get a calendar featuring the Dalai Lama instead. I'm sure that there will be plenty of quotes in there that will inspire me to write.

Speaking of writing I do need to finish that short story I am working on and see about trying to find a publisher for the book. I don't have the money to try and self publish at this time so I'll try the agent route and see if I can find one on my field. Nothing ventured nothing gained.

Christmas will be here soon and with a little luck the antibiotics will kick in and I can spend the day without going Merry Achoo. ;-)

The picture is called Trimming The Tree and is the first of the Christmas pictures I've done with Bryce.

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