Thursday, December 14, 2006

Not Ready

Remember when the original Saturday Night Live performers were called the Not Ready for Prime Time Players? I sort of feel like that in regards to Christmas. I'm just not ready for it. I need to try and get everything done that needs to be mailed by Tuesday to get it there on time. Sigh.

I wish I could teach Pixie how to operate the computer and print off everything that needs to be printed. After all mother keeps telling me how smart she is I don't see why she can't help me out. Well she is a smart little thing however she isn't quite ready for college yet.

What Pixie has really done for this family is made mother focus on taking better care of herself. Mom wants to be around to take care of the kitten. She will stop and rest more when she is feeling tired because Pixie will climb on her lap. Sometimes it is the small, free things in life that are the most valuable. It is a good lesson for this time of year where rampant consumerism is the norm to stop and ponder on the things in life that can't be bought. Love, faith, kindness are all things that have to be freely given and received. You can't buy them. We have Pixie in our lives because mother felt sorry for the mother cat and her kittens and started feeding them. She is still feeding the other three kittens outside but Pixie wandered into the house and decided she was adopting us. You can't buy the joy on mother's face when Pixie will bonk noses with her. The beauty of love is the real meaning of Christmas. God so loved the world that he gave us his only son.


Anonymous said...

Christmas is the reason God created Amazon.

Anonymous said...

I knew there had to be a reason for Amazon.

Anonymous said...

It's also to make sure I never have to deal with the inherent temptations of wealth.

Between them and NASCAR diecast, I guarantee it'll never be a problem (sigh).