Monday, November 20, 2006

Beauty is Skin Deep

The media has gone nuts in its coverage of Tom Cruise's marriage over in Rome. Of course it has missed the really important things in its juggling for pictures, etc. of this circus. Rome is a good place for this fiasco. After all it does have its history of conspicuous consumption and feed the Christians and anyone we don't like to the lions. The figure bandied about for this circus is 2.5 million dollars.

What has this 2.5 million dollars gotten us? A marriage that isn't legally binding because Tom Cruise is above the law and didn't need to get the paperwork that would have made this marriage valid. Then again this continues to show a pattern in this man's behavior. Remember his marriage to Nicole Kidman whom he left high and dry and pregnant with his child and the words "Nicole knows what she did?" Not one word of sympathy when she miscarried and leave the press speculating and blaming her for the breakup. Now he is "married" to a naive girl whom he has so little respect for that he gets her pregnant, tears her away from her religion and family, won't let her get her child baptized, and won't even marry her in a legally binding ceremony.

How many children go to bed every night who could be fed for 2.5 million dollars? How many elderly people are unable to afford their medicine and are going without who would be able to take their medicine and prolong their lives for 2.5 million dollars? How many AIDS victims could be helped for 2.5 million dollars? How many orphans could be helped or adopted for 2.5 million dollars?

Tom Cruise is nothing but a pretty face with a modicum of acting talent. He is a high school drop out who is caught up in the cult of Scientology. Scientology was founded by a second rate science fiction writer named L. Ron Hubbard as the result of a drunken bet with some other science fiction writers. It is made up. It is not a religion. It isn't even good science fiction but pulp fiction and grade B pulp fiction at that. It appeals to people with little or no education. It rages against psychiatrists and medicine because they can debunk the whole thing.

2.5 million dollars makes me mad. I am struggling to try and get help for elderly people who can not pay their hospital bills and have no money for their medicines. I have had friends die from AIDS. I don't make much money and neither does my mother but both of us contribute what little we do have to charity. I contribute to the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate ( who work in this country and around the globe to help poor. My Mom contributes to the Little Sister of the Poor ( and the soup kitchen they have in the town her sister lives in.

My mother is down to 95 pounds and is so skinny she looks anorexic however she is more beautiful then Tom Cruise will ever be because she cares about others. That inner beauty shines on the outside. The Bible asks what does it profit a man to gain the world but lose his soul? 2.5 million dollars is the inflated price of 30 pieces of silver.

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