Monday, November 13, 2006

Power of Words

There are times in your life where certain words are said and they stick with you for the rest of your life. I love art and I love doing art. There are four times in my life where words have been said that have really touched and encouraged me in my pursuit of being an artist.

The first came when I was in the second grade. My teacher had put on my report card, "Take a look at her art!" It was the first time in my life that I had an idea that I could actually do this thing called art.

When I was in college I thought of doing a double art and theater major but being a ham I realized I was going to have to do one or the other and theater won out. I did take art for a semester and my teacher told me, "Michele, I've been teaching art for 35 years. You have the best sense of space of anyone I have ever taught. You understand that what isn't there is as important as what is."

When I first got into computer generated graphic art my friend Colleen urged me to show my work to Dann Lopez. Dann is a cartoonist and game designer and at that time was in charge of the art colonies at all the science fiction conventions in the San Francisco Bay Area. I was so afraid to show anybody my art. My confidence in myself was at an all time low but I showed him some of my work any way and I was sure he wouldn't like it. Dann told me, "You are one of us and I want you in my next art colony." In addition to being a good friend Dann has become my art mentor. Dann's web site is at

In 2000 Dann was running a convention of his own and his guest was one of my favorite artists, Frank Lurz. Frank specializes in Science Fiction, Fantasy and Astronomical art; the same areas that I was working in. Dann told me I had to show Frank my art. I was scared to death because I knew Frank would give an honest opinion. Frank was very tired and it was obvious he was only agreeing to look at my portfolio because Dann asked him to. I watched his face as he flipped through the pictures and watched as the fatigue seemed to drop away. Finally he looked at me and said, "At first glance your art looks deceptively simple but as you look you see the layers and layers of depth. Your artwork is amazing." You can find Frank's art at

In my life at four separate times their has been someone who was there encouraging me to continue to do something I love. So for my second grade teacher, my college professor, Dann and Frank I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your encouragement and support. Thank you for allowing me to call myself an artist.

The picture is called "Space Station." At my first convention I entered this into the Art Show. When I came in on Sunday morning Dann told me I had to go into the Art Show but wouldn't tell me why. When I got there I was handed a certificate for this picture for "Best Computer Generated Art." I don't know who was more thrilled me or Dann but I know both of us had tears in our eyes.


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