Friday, November 3, 2006


I am stunned by the furor that Madonna's adoption has caused. With so many children orphaned in Africa and other Third World countries because of AIDS you would think that the world would encourage those with money to adopt children. These children have no future unless someone gives them a future. Madonna, Angelina Jolie, and Meg Ryan to name a few have all adopted children recently and I think that has to be seen as a good thing.

While it is important for a child to understand his/her heritage that child can not do so if they are "killed" by poverty. They have to have a chance where they can learn. Who has the money to make sure an adopted child can make frequent trips to the land of their birth if not the rich stars?

I think a sense of perspective needs to be attained here. The single most important thing has to be the child's welfare. Political ramifications have to take a back seat. The child has to have a chance to grow up with proper food, shelter, and educational opportunities. You can learn about culture if the basic necessities of life are taken care of first. People need to get off their soap boxes and start thinking of the children for a change. Life is more important then politics.


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