Sunday, November 5, 2006

Not Happening

The gospel passage today is the one that reinforces that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. It only takes a quick look at the news to see that isn't happening. I'll be very glad when the election is over so at least we won't be barraged by all the mean spirited political ads.

Being a self confessed geek I am very familiar with fandom which is the providence of geeks. I was a part of fandom for many years. Fandom started out as a place where people such as myself could get together and be ourselves without being made fun of. We were not part of the football/cheerleader crowd and certainly never in with the "in crowd." It is not easy growing up different and many found that being among people with the same esoteric interests as themselves made growing up a little easier.

Unfortunately this very community that was made up of misfits is also one of the most riddled with petty feuds and in-fighting. There is always a way to make someone who is an outsider feel more like an outsider. There were times when I was the only Catholic in a room full of New Age Druids. I didn't exactly feel real welcome. The converse is also true try being a New Ager among say a group belonging to the Church of England. You aren't exactly going to be made to feel welcome there either.

Fandom has its self obsessed people who believe that they know everything about a certain show, book or movie and they don't want anyone to challenge them with any new ideas. Beware of trying to start conversations on a newsgroup that is populated with old timers. You can guarantee at least one of them will start flaming you if you dare to venture an opinion that doesn't jive with their hide bound beliefs.

It is sad that a place for misfits has to be fractured by fan politics. It is hard enough being a geek in a mundane world without having to be forced to dodge the flames of others who are supposed to be able to understand you. I think it is time geeks started practicing more tolerance and love. I have had more then enough of trolls.

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