Saturday, November 11, 2006

Sounds of Silence

"The only tyrant I accept in this world is the still voice within." Mahatma Gandhi

There is a voice within all of us called a conscience and if we allow it to do its job then we stay on the right path.  Our conscience can be our best friend or our most strident critic. Sometimes we wish it would be quiet but it is when it is at its loudest that we need to stop and listen to what it is saying. It is a harsh taskmaster but it is what we need to keep us human.

In life we occasionally meet people who seem to have no conscience and whose actions shock us with their brutality. One of the aspects of being human is that we have free will. We can choose our paths in life and if we choose we can still the voice of our conscience. We can choose the path of evil rather then good.

When we listen with our heart, listen to the voice of God, listen to our conscience we are at peace with ourselves. When we choose to turn away from the light we can still the conscience but it is still there and its voice can be heard again if the heart is turned. God never gives up on us.

The sounds of silence and a contented conscience is one of the most beautiful sounds there is.

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