Monday, November 6, 2006

Monday Morning Reflections

Another challenge of trying to type around Pixie our little bundle of love. The kitten demonstrates love at its best. She gives love to all and doesn't discriminate. She truly exemplifies what the gospel was saying yesterday.

It is easy to love as long as someone is like you. It is when there are differences that humans have a problem with the concept of love one another. There is more hatred thrown around in the name of religion then anything else. I think some people really don't get the meaning of God in their lives.

It is the study of the human mind that really brings up so many questions. Psychology has its Freud with the ego, id, and superego. It also has Jung with the collective unconscious. On a personal level I find I am more is sympathy with Jung then Freud. The continual fascination with the paranormal shows that mankind is fascinated with the unknown. While I know many New Agers I am more inclined to believe that they are tapping into Jung's collective unconscious then anything else. To assume that they are all frauds and are out to bilk an unsuspecting public does a great disservice to many true believers. It shows more the prejudice of a closed mind then a service to the truth. While my personal beliefs do not go in that direction I do believe that people have the right to the beliefs that give them comfort in their personal lives and express their own spirituality in a way that serves their souls best.

I can not abide prejudice in any form. I remember attending a church service with my ex where a Lutheran minister stood up there and said that if you weren't Lutheran you were unchurched. Excuse me? I don't think so. I am just as churched as a Catholic as anyone else.

As far as I am concerned you have a right to be at peace with your God however you see him/her as long as you don't use your religion as a basis for an attack on anyone else's beliefs. God said love your neighbor as yourself and he didn't put any qualifiers on it.


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