Wednesday, November 29, 2006

What's New In Geekdom

Okay I'm a geek and proud of it. I took the "Geek Test" and scored "Super Geek." So what are we discussing now days?

It looks like a whole bunch of us are hooked on Heroes that airs on NBC on Mondays and repeats on Sci-Fi on Fridays. It has everything we need heroes and villains, time travel, super powers, conspiracy theories, etc. We are having a ball over in a newsgroup dedicated to science fiction shows. "Save the cheerleader, save the world." Okay he saved the cheerleader now how is that going to stop the bomb going off? And how does Sylar get his powers? And of course isn't the Japanese Hiro just the most adorable geek you have seen in a long time? ;-)

After a long wait we finally have Doctor Who back. Okay the consensus of opinion is that Christopher Eccelstone was okay for the one series he did but David Tennant is a whole lot better as the current doctor. The stories have ranged from great to so-so but at least the show is on the air again. The new female companion is a cut above the rest because at least she does something other then scream which was the prerequisite for other companions. Rose rocks and has saved the day and the Doctor more then once.

On the movie front the fans are up in arms about New Line nixing Peter Jackson as the director of the Hobbit and the next Lord of the Rings movie. Are they nuts! Don't they realize that he put them on the map and made them successful? For heaven sakes settle the lawsuit, audit the books, and let him make more billions for you. The movies they are contemplating won't be them same without the master's touch. Besides do they really think we would bother to see the movies if Peter isn't given the chance to direct them? Who do they think made them the smash hit they were? The fans of course, without us being happy no movie has a chance.

On the book front it looks like Anne McCaffrey has found a way around the severe arthritis by having son Todd help her with the Pern books. Like mother, like son. Terry Pratchett continues to be one of the funniest writers in the field. Of course the biggest speculation is who will be killed off in the next Harry Potter book.

That is an update of geekdom from one of the few geeks not in line waiting to get hold of the Wii system. That explains why I'm only a super geek and not an ultimate geek. I don't care for video games. ;-)

The picture is called "Are You My Mummy" and will be recognized by all geeks who are Doctor Who and Prisoner fans.


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