Thursday, November 23, 2006

Giving Thanks

It is a beautiful day outside, crisp and cool. Most of the leaves have turned and fallen off the trees. The Business Office is closed so I have the day off. It is Thanksgiving and time to stop and reflect on the blessings of the year.

I am thankful my mother is with us for another year. Her health is frail but her spirit is strong. With the addition of little Pixie to the family mother is even more determined to live as long as she can.

I am thankful for the little kitten who has brightened our lives for the last couple of months. She is a bundle of energy and love. She enriches our lives by her existence and spreads the love to all.

I am thankful that my niece is married to a good man who is worthy of her love. She now has the type of father for her three children that they deserve. I am thankful I was able to make her the wedding dress of her dreams.

I am thankful that God continues to give me the talent to do art and writing. He has blessed me with an active imagination and given me the talents to express those visions inside my mind in both words and pictures.

I am thankful that I have discovered three new places on the web where I can talk to people about things that interest me without having to worry about jerks putting me down. I am happily chatting about science fiction shows, especially the new Heroes. I am also on a group that discusses mysteries and one that discusses graphic art. All the groups have people who encourage dialog and new ideas and most importantly do not put a person down if they have an idea that is different from theirs. Discussions are held in a civilized manner.

The picture is called "Abundance" and I hope that the holiday seasons are filled with an abundance of laughter, love, and good things for all of you.

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