Tuesday, April 24, 2007

If It's Tuesday It Must Be Geek Day

"Along with love, compassion is the face of altruism. It is a feeling from deep in the heart that you cannot bear other's suffering without acting to relieve it." Dalai Lama

After a very long seven weeks the Geek favorite Heroes came back last night with a doozy of an episode. It was more then a little gory and intense and definitely not a show for young kids to watch. NBC left themselves open to an avalanche of mail asking what we thought would happen if the heroes can not stop the explosion. Do thy have any idea of the theories that we can come up with and how voraciously a geek can argue a theory? They are about to find out.

Next week's episode should be very interesting. It is set five years in the future and shows a scenario of what could happen if the bomb goes off. According to TV Guide more then a couple of characters let power go to their heads.

We have all heard the adage that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. You can see examples of this in every day life. Where I work we had a person in power that let the power go to his head. He made going to work a nightmare with his micromanaging everything and his orders that made no sense. We are going to be years trying to clean up the mess he left before he was fired. You see the power hogs on newsgroups where certain people feel they are the only ones with knowledge and woe betide anyone who comes in fresh and wants to put out new ideas. You see this with anonymous trolls and posters who hide behind the anonymity of the Internet to make nasty posts and tear people down. They are cowards pure and simple.

I worked science fiction conventions for years with some good people running them and some who let the power go to their heads. I finally ran my own with a staff that would not work for anyone else but me because I treated them right and realized that a convention is only as good as the whole staff.

Any time a person gets put in a position of authority there is a chance that the power may be used unwisely. We see this in world events with governments, military, schools, business, any place where power can rest with one person without the checks and balances needed to keep power from corrupting. That is one thing that the United States Government was set up to try and avoid. There are three distinct branches of government executive, legislative, and judicial that are supposed to be a checks and balance system for the other branches. It doesn't always work perfectly but at least it is there to try and keep corruption of power down.

The ultimate power in this world is Mother Nature. Man has done his best to impose his will on this planet sometimes for good but often times with destructive results. No matter how powerful we think we are though Mother Nature is still the boss. She is a fragile and capricious power and she will throw up hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. when she wants. Maybe we should pay more attention to the scientists and their warnings and see about cleaning up our act and pacifying our angry mother.

The real counter is 4987.

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