Thursday, April 12, 2007

Tumultuous Thursday

"The person who confesses ignorance shows it once; the person who conceals it shows it many times." Japanese proverb

"The essential feature of true compassion is that it is universal and not discriminatory." Dalai Lama

I really got irritated with a coworker the other day. The board sent in this "expert" to see what the issues were in our department and how it runs. I guess the thought of just asking the manager how things are in her department didn't come to mind. As I was explaining something to the lady this coworker interrupts to say something that was just plain wrong. What is it about people who don't know what they are talking about that makes them talk any way? It was my area of expertise not hers so intelligence would dictate that she shut up and not show her ignorance. Stupidity bugs me.

We had our first tornado warning the other day. It went past us but still I had the Weather Channel on to keep track of its progress. My older brother, who is a Fox News junkie, had to turn the channel to his talking heads program. I don't know why anybody bothers with these shows because they all talk at once and no one listens to what the other person is saying. It isn't a dialogue or debate it is an exercise in flapping their gums. I prefer cooking shows at least you can learn something there.

There are very few blogs that I will look at on the web, the only consistent ones are my brother's two blogs. Their are some people on the web though that think that courtesy and compassion don't apply here in the Internet. The left bashes the right and the right bashes the left and each proclaim that the other is worse then they are. Boring! Courtesy is supposed to be practiced even here on the web. That is why I dropped my newsgroup, I got tired of the rudeness. I remember the old saying my Mom tried to pound into our heads, "if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all." Most of the times I try to be nice but hey I'm human and sometimes I get ticked off and express it.

One of my destressers in a stressful world is my art. I liked the way this picture came out. It is called "Stargazing" and the ghostly apparition you see in the background is Stonehenge. Even in the dawn of time man was fascinated by the stars. Our knowledge of today rests on the shoulders of the past.

The real counter is 4882.


Anonymous said...

If I'm an example of courtesy in blogging, the blogosphere is doomed.

Then again, if it doesn't clean up its act, sooner rather than later someone is going to be murdered because of either something they said on their blog, or left as a comment on someone else's blog, or either of these "inspiring" someone on the mental edge to snap.

On a lighter note, what are the chances of me hosting a seminar on civility in the blogosphere and getting Pamela Britton along with Mary Katherine Ham to be guests?  ;-)

Anonymous said...

Only if you invite me to help moderate. ;-)
