Sunday, April 1, 2007

Sunny Sunday

What is it about cats that they can't let humans sleep? My two can not differentiate between weekdays when mommy has to get up to go to work and weekends when I can supposedly sleep in. In actuality I doze, get woken up, doze, get woken up again, keep repeating until I give up and get up.

Today is sunny and beautiful out and I may grab the camera and walk some and get more spring pictures. I need to get the web site updated and may work on that this afternoon. Then again I may write some more this afternoon. It will depend on my mood after I get back from taking Mom to church.

Today is Palm Sunday in the Catholic Church and this means that the entire Passion of Christ will be read. It is the start of holy week and we reflect this week on the power of God's love for us. He so loved the world that he gave us his only son. So today is a good day to renew your vow to show more love and compassion towards others.

This is the picture I was working on last night. I am calling it Stellar Nursery.

The real counter is 4794

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