Monday, April 2, 2007

Monday's Mood

Another week has started and soon I'll be out the door heading for work. Oh to be independently wealthy so I didn't have to hear that alarm clock ring.

Work will be the same old, same old unfortunately. The big boss will be gone but the little assistant will be there and promises to ride herd on our coworker who refuses to listen and do her job right thereby making the rest of us have to do her job and ours and clean up her messes. There is a lot of frustration in our department right now because of her.

Sometimes I wonder how people with names like John or Arthur feel about their names being associated with other things that aren't so nice. John of course has to deal with being referred to as a toilet and Arthur has the distinction of being referred to as arthritis. My arthritis has been in over drive for several weeks and so has my Mom's and my Aunt's. The weather has been really goofy and stormy and I wonder if that is part of the cause.

I started to get arthritis in my teens. I imagine the fact that I was so active and into things like skiing, throwing footballs with my Dad, volleyball, etc. was one of the reasons why it hit early. Since there is no cure for arthritis you end up altering your lifestyle to accommodate it. I love to cook and most of my cooking things are made by Oxo Good Grips which is especially geared towards people with arthritis. I also switched to computer art since it is easier to use a mouse then a pen these days. All of my writing is done of the computer now instead of yellow legal size tablets. I have a support glove made by Mueller Sport Care that I use on my right wrist since it is the worst one. I try to walk and have my trusty pedometer on at all times to measure my progress. I like seeing the little numbers go up and it is a great motivation to get up and walk.

Arthritis is one of those things in life that you can either learn to deal with or give into it and let it rule your life. I believe that no matter what problems we have they can be overcome if we just keep a positive attitude. You can either quit and withdraw into a little shell and allow your problems to rule your life or you can find a way to deal with them. Me? I'm not a quitter. Sure the arthritis in my spine and every joint in my body is uncomfortable but I've learned to deal with it and go on with my life.

The picture is called Preparing for the King and this time the Arthurs of the world can be proud of their name.

The real counter is 4799


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