Thursday, April 19, 2007

Little Things

Pixie has been on a tail chasing bent lately. First she races around one way to try and catch it and then she goes the other way. She will tumble and twist and turn and get hold of it with one paw and then the other and finally grab it with both paws because it keeps getting away from her. It makes Mother laugh so much to see her silly maneuvers. It is such a little thing that tail of hers yet she gets so much fun out of it and we get so much fun out of watching her.

In the movie Lord of the Rings the character Boromir picks up the ring and remarks about it being such a little thing however the whole fate of everyone in the movie and in the book it is based on is bound up in that little ring.

It isn't always the big things that are important in the world. It is sometimes a little thing that will set a person off either for good or evil. Take the emotion jealousy for example. That little envy of someone else can fester and grow inside to the point where it twists the mind into a killing machine.

Have you ever seen a mustard seed? It is tiny yet out of it a big plant will grow. The important fact about little things is that they will grow into big things. How they grow is up to you. When I was in High School I overheard a little remark that my Mom made to a friend on the phone. She said something to the effect that my older brother was so smart and naturally got good grades but if I wanted good grades I really needed to study. It was a little remark that really hurt. It took many, many years for my Mom to realize that I was an extremely smart person and that I studied because I loved learning. I was the first child in the household to get a college degree. My older brother flunked out his first time at college. Instead of letting the remark get me down it made me more determined then ever to learn and keep on learning about everything I could. To this day I am always trying to learn new things and with every new piece of knowledge I learn the happier I am. I knew I was smart but I wanted my Mom to realize it to. She does now.

Little remarks can help or harm depending on what you do with them. It doesn't absolve the speaker from really paying attention to what they are saying however. Always ask yourself what would be the effect on the person I am talking about if they overheard me?

The real counter is 4941.

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