Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sunny Sunday

After yesterday's yucky weather we actually have blue skies and sunshine. It is still cold but you can't have everything. Yesterday's weather put a crimp in things because mother got all anxious about me going out in it so I didn't get the shopping done and will need to do it today.

I actually buckled down yesterday and did research on agents for my book. The big thing I discovered is that most of them do not want to handle short story books preferring novels. Now the interesting thing about the stories is that there is a background story running through them. Guess what just got promoted to the foreground? I am working now on bringing the stories together as a whole into a novel. I am finding that since the background story ties them together that it isn't that much of a stretch writing wise to bring the stories together as a whole entity. It will be a challenge but a doable one.

I like challenges in life. I really don't like the stagnation of the same old, same old. There are some things that I know I can do quite well and others that I need to work on. While it would be easier to just coast in my life it would also be boring. A life without challenge is not a life lived to its fullest.

Remember the old adage "today is the first day of the rest of your life?" What are you going to do with this day? While my day will have some of the old things such as shopping, ironing the clothes for next week, taking Mom to church, I will also incorporate the new. How do you take short stories and turn them into a novel? Well I will be discovering that today. A nice challenge for a sunny Sunday. What are you challenging yourself with?

The picture is called All That I See and while the cat may be finishing it by saying "belongs to me" I am saying "excites me." Challenges, I love them.

The real counter is 4909.

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