Tuesday, April 3, 2007


I must remember that next time I want to have a backup of something on another drive to hit Copy not Move. It takes a while to reinstall 1795 fonts as I discovered last night. Little minor things like that can be so irritating.

For the most part I have a good memory but I find that it helps to keep my pocket PC with me to jot down things. I use it a lot for my shopping list. That is one thing I tend to forget if I don't jot it down right away is what I am out of and need to get. The pocket PC is such a wonderful invention. I refer to mine as my back up storage for my brain.

Memory is an interesting thing. The brain has everything stored away and it comes out in memories or dreams. Sometimes you remember the oddest things but can't remember something that happened a few days ago. I think of my brain as a computer and it has only so much active memory space that it stores 95% of everything else.

I am much more prone to remember happy events then I am events that distressed me. I don't like dwelling in the past and really live for the present and look forward to the future. There is nothing I can do about my past except learn from it and try not to make the same mistakes again. That is the best thing you can do with your past.

I have wonderful memories of my college years. I loved being in theater and the people that were in the classes with me. I remember one weekend when we all went to the beach and danced Greek dances on the sand and watched the sun rise. It was a beautiful time.

I have wonderful memories of trips and places I went to with my Dad. He drove me to college for all but one of my four years so it was a time for just the two of us. We saw some spectacular scenery in our trips. The United States has so many beautiful things to see.

I have wonderful memories of science fiction conventions that I worked as well as attended. The very first convention I went to had Ray Bradbury as a guest and I have his autograph on my copy of The Martian Chronicles.

A trip through memory lane can be one of the best mini vacations you can take. The picture is called May You Dance and I hope your memories dance for you.

The real counter is 4816

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