Thursday, February 8, 2007


"Calm in quietude is not real calm; when you can be calm in the midst of activity, that is the true state of nature." Huanchu Daoren

It is quiet and calm outside or at least what I can see around the ice on the windows. The snow looks beautiful however the 5 degree weather is not going to be a whole lot of fun to go out in.

I'll be heading off to work shortly and see what the crisis of the day is. People get so worked up about silly things in that office. I really think they should bring someone in to teach meditation. The office will run as it always has and all you need to do is go with the flow, do your job the best you can, and stop stressing yourself and everyone else out all the time. It takes a lot to get me mad at work. Most of the time I let it flow off of me like water on a duck.

There are too many other things that I need to be concerned about to let the little things get to me. It has taken a while to learn but I have finally learned acceptance of the things I can not change.The things I can influence in my life I do. The things I have no control over are someone else's problem.

I do get tired of all the whining and complaining at work. Sometimes I feel like telling them that if they hate the job so much to find something else to do. You aren't doing yourself or anyone else any favors by staying in a situation you hate.

One of the best ways to learn acceptance in life is to be a fan of a sports team that can never manage to get it together. I support the Chicago Cubs. Sigh. Maybe if they put the goat in uniform and stick him in the outfield it would help.

The picture is called Spring which will hopefully get here soon.

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