Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wednesday Wanderings

"If a person has never encountered love towards himself or herself from any quarter, it is a very sad thing. But if that person can meet even one person who will show unconditional love - simply acceptance and compassion - if he knows that he is an object of someone else's affection and love it is bound to have an impact, and this will be appreciated. Because there is a seed in him, this act of love will start to catalyze or ripen that seed." Dalai Lama

"The soul shines equally in people on the farthest island and in people close at hand." The Upanishads

I was reading about the miracle of this tiny little baby who spent only 22 weeks in her mother's womb and was only 10 ounces when born. She will soon be able to go home. What an incredible story of love that is. It is amazing the courage and fighting ability of this tiny little girl to cling to life and survive astronomical odds. She starts out her journey to life with parents who really wanted her and will give her love.

Today is the 11th birthday of my grandnephew. He too has had to struggle in his case with Asperegers however he is making great strides and I am so proud of him. I am also his godmother, as I am to his two siblings and his mother. I take that responsibility very seriously and my godchildren are in my daily prayers to God. I love all of them deeply. They are my treasures in life.

I have witnessed in the last few months the joy of seeing my Mom's glow of happiness because of 8 pounds of mischievous kitten. Pixie has made Mom "her person" and the love the little kitten shows really makes my Mom's day. It is so great to see her happy like this.

You can't miss the news on Brittany Spears and I can only wish that she will stick with rehab and learn to get her demons under control. She is obviously in a world of hurt and needs to be able to learn to love and understand herself so that she can be a good mother to her two young sons.

Sometimes one of the hardest things to do in life is give yourself a break and learn to love yourself. One of the things that frustrates me the most about my Mom is how hard she is on herself. There is a vast difference between loving yourself and having a massive ego. Love of self means that you respect yourself and  the gift of life that God has given you. You care for your body, mind and soul and try to keep them all healthy. Ego is an overwhelming belief that you are the center of the universe and everyone else is inferior to you. That is not love.

We are all members of the human race and as humans we need to respect each other's diversity. It would be a dull world if we were all the same. The picture is called Circle of Life.

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