Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Not for Sale

I raised my eyebrows in disbelief at the comment made by Paris Hilton's mother about how she coouldn't believe her daughter was sentenced to prison after all the money they spent. Her spoiled little brat had been caught drinking and driving more then once and was caught driving with a suspended license and their millions of dollars was supposed to be enough to get her off. Now they are petitioning Governor Schwatzeneger to pardon her. Hello! Anyone home! Guess not. She endangered the life of innocent people with her actions and now she doesn't express one bit of remorse and the fact she is rich should get her off. I'll be really ticked if that happens.

I suppose money can buy material possessions but it certainly can't buy happiness. My ex was very well paid for what he does and all of his money went to things. When I wanted to fly back here after my Mom's near fatal heart attack no money was made available for me to do so. Things came before people.

There are things though that money can't buy. You can't buy the joy in my Mom's face when she watches Pixie do the chase the tail routine. You can't buy the joy when she gets a nose bonk from her cat. You can't buy the joy I feel when I hug her. You can't buy love.

Something my brother wrote brought back a memory to me. A friend had invited me to her non-denominational church gathering. These were a bunch of what I would call holy rollers. I was in a world of hurt that day because something had sharply reminded me of my Dad. I couldn't stop crying but not one person asked me what was wrong. Their attitude was that "I found Jesus and all that matters is you find him" as a member of our congregation. That isn't following Christ. You can only truly follow him if you care for all of his flock whether they are a member of your congregation or not.

The most important things in life are not for sale. Love needs to be earned not bought. The smile of a child is not for sale. The love of a pet is not for sale. The love of family and friends are not for sale. The beauty of this green earth that God gave us is not for sale. The love of God and the love s/he has for us is not for sale. Truth and justice are not for sale or at least I hope California's Governor realizes that.

The real counter is 5108.

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