Thursday, May 3, 2007


"It is not until we understand the law of karma, or cause and effect, that we are inspired to embark on the path to end suffering. Negative thoughts and actions produce negative results and conditions, just as positive thoughts and actions produce positive results and conditions." Dalai Lama

I have been looking at the awesome pictures coming out of Jupiter. It is amazing to realize that the most notable features on Jupiter are caused by massive storms. What is a neat side line of these pictures are that they are an extra bonus because the focus of this probe is still a few years away with our first close up look at Pluto. Poor little guy was still a planet when the probe went out but hey some of us still consider him a planet in spite of his recent demotion.

We have some fierce thunder storms coming in this weekend. Storms in the Midwest tend to be quite spectacular and we have to be on the watch for tornados. Merlin is my weather cat and he is already whining that the storms are coming in. Sigh I wish he would realize that I'm not in charge of the weather.

The other story I was reading was about the storms in Texas and a couple of people who lost their lives to lightening strikes. One of them was fishing in a storm and another had just come in after being out on a boat in the storm. It makes you wonder about people when they ignore the dangers of bad weather and think that their personal pleasure will keep them from harm. You see all the time people who drive too fast or drive after drinking or take stupid risks. I don't know why man seems to think that they are immortal and that they have the upper hand over Mother Nature.

The Dalai Lama talks about cause and effect. We have the saying "what goes around comes around." Or as the Bible says "you reap what you sow." Mother Nature has shown time and time again that she is the Master not us. We also find that how we conduct our lives also has an effect on how others treat us. People who think decency and forgiveness are "twee" find themselves being ripped apart and stalked by others who ridicule them.

With storm season upon us it is a good time to think about the storms in our own lives. When we cause storms or ignore the storms we cause for others then life has a nasty way of taking its revenge. Cause and effect. What effect would you really like in your life? Me I'm working towards peace and contentment.

The picture is called Midwest Storms.

The real counter is 5060

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