Monday, May 21, 2007

That Monday Thing

"To live completely, fully, in the moment is to live with what is, the actual, without any sense of condemnation or justification - then you understand it so totally that you are finished with it." Krishnamurti

"Great compassion and wisdom are the chief qualities of the Buddha. Even in worldly terms, the more intelligent and knowledgeable a person is, the more the person commands respect. Similarly the more compassionate, kind, and gentle a person, the more he or she should be respected. So if you are able to develop that intelligence and altruism to their fullest extent, then you are truly admirable and deserve to be respected." Dalai Lama

I usually wake up before the alarm clock goes off. To be more accurate the cats usually wake me up before the clock goes off. This morning I realized how truly an obnoxious sound my alarm clock makes but it does its purpose and wakes me up. It also gets my heart racing and endangers various limbs as I thrash around trying to get loose of the covers and turn the blasted thing off. I'm surprised to find that I'm not surrounded by ghosts like the kid in The Sixth Sense because that alarm could wake the dead.

I find that I'm not dreaming as much lately. It may be because I wake up so much during the night that I don't either get into dream state that much or I'm not remembering my dreams as much as I use to. I would like to know why Paris Hilton was driving a school bus in my dreams last night though. I really do need a better script writer for my dreams since the often make no sense at all.

I like the quote from the Dalai Lama today. It resonates with my life in that it stresses not only intelligence but compassion. I have met many intelligent people in my life who are totally lacking in compassion and I have met compassionate people who aren't the brightest bulbs on the string. The people that have stuck in my mind are the people who strive to both strengthen their intelligence and their capacity to love one another. You can be the most knowledgeable person about the subject at hand but if that intelligence is not tempered with compassion that knowledge then comes out as pure arrogance. Arrogance is not knowledge. Arrogance is showing off your self perceived brilliance. A man is at his best when intelligence is accompanied by humility. The truly intelligent teach quietly without fireworks.

So today my goal is to use both my intelligence and compassion to their fullest. Not a bad way to start out that Monday thing.

The real counter is 5237.

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