Sunday, May 27, 2007

Wet Weekend


"The practice of altruism is the authentic way of conducting human life, and is not limited to the religious." Dalai Lama

"Forgetfulness of self is remembrance of God." Bayazid al-Bistami

It has been a very soggy weekend so far with more rain coming in. We need the rain so I shouldn't complain too much. We spent yesterday waiting for repairmen to come and they didn't make it until late today. At least we will be able to get the air conditioners installed upstairs where it has been getting real hot. I worry about Merlin because he refuses to go downstairs where it is cooler.

I have been spending the weekend working on art work. I changed one picture because I didn't like the background. I did two others and I'm working on my third picture for Memorial Day.

I was reading the other day about the wave of books that are coming out now slamming religion. Atheists have always been vocal but now their books are starting to make the best seller lists. For me belief in God is part of who I am. I can understand though why many people are upset with organized religion. There is a lot of hatred in the words and actions of many people who claim to believe in God. Fundamentalists of many religions are the worst offenders. The intolerance of beliefs that differ from their own really gives a bad taste to religion in general.

My belief is that there is one God and he is the same God regardless of how you perceive Him/Her. I don't think any one religion has the complete answer. I can not understand how anyone can profess to believe in God and then preach hatred of any group of people. It seems like a total contradiction. If God made us in his own image and loves us how can we spout hatred in His/Her name? It doesn't make sense. It is turning people away from God and that is a very sad thing.

The picture is called Shelter From the Storm. God is my shelter in the storms that have hit my life.

The real counter is 5289.

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