Thursday, July 12, 2007

Being Me


In my book one of my characters complains that it isn't easy being her. Sometimes I feel that way and I know many of my geek friends feel the same way also. It isn't easy being different especially when you are in high school or college and you realize you just aren't like every one else. You aren't in with the in crowd and you don't want to be. What they find interesting you find boring.

Sometimes people will want to be accepted so much that they pretend interest in things that bore them to tears. They will pretend to like movies or music or television that has no interest for them. It is a sure way to make yourself even more miserable then you are.

I was one of those oddballs who always loved school for the learning. I loved theater and found it infinitely more enjoyable then a basketball game. I love science fiction. I would rather watch Doctor Who then Desperate Housewives. I would rather read a good science fiction, fantasy, or mystery book then a romance novel or some of the angst filled stuff that passes for literature these days. Lately I'm finding that the trend to denounce God is at odds with my belief that there is a God.

The older I get the more I realize that I am comfortable in my own skin. I would rather be me then anyone else. I have come to terms with my quirks and habits and if others can't accept them that is not my problem. I believe in giving a honest days work for my employer. That is just the way I am. I'm not there to take long lunches, frequent breaks, drink coffee and gossip. I'm there to work and that is what I do.

This blog is my little world where I can talk about how I feel about things and show my new photos or art work. It is my comfortable little corner. I value those of you who read this blog and thank you for visiting. I am me and the only me I know how to be.

The picture is called Space Oddity.

The real counter is 5611.

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